Build A Rich Text Editor App For Mac Using Xcode

3 min readJun 27, 2021

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Best text editors for beginners machine. A free limited-time trial that leaves your images alone would be preferable.

Active3 months ago

Okay .. This may be a ridiculous question. (I’m still getting used to Mac.) I really like the auto fill-in-ahead predictive typing feature of Xcode.

Text document download. Importing Alt Text Alt text is, frankly, a bit of a mess.

Can I use it to simply edit files laying around different locations on my hard drive? I do not really want to create a project or anything (unless by PROJECT I mean simply loads several files, that are not related to each other, but that I may want to jump back and forth in editing them — I do not want to create a project from files that need to be compiled or anything).

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If so, what’s the best way to get started? When you open XCode, it asked a lot of wizard questions to get things set up. How would I simply get started to edit 5 or so files at a time .. where I might want to switch back and forth between them — and they are not in the same directory?

All I want to do is simply make changes and save them, make more changes and save again, repeat. Kind of like holding a lot of shell scripts that communicate with each other.

Okay .. so I know this was a silly question — but Xcode is so intimidating for newbies. Sometimes, one needs a place to just get started and I haven’t found that yet.

Build A Rich Text Editor App For Mac Using X Code


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2 Answers

It is possible to open the Xcode text editor on a single file from the command line.

If you’re going to use this a lot, you might consider making an alias in your ~/.bashrc.

Xcode and other such feature rich IDEs aren’t the easiest to use when you’re starting off programming. I’d recommend using a lightweight text editor and just compiling via the command line until you get a feel for the flow of coding.

As of Xcode 6, you cannot open a directory this way, as it will give you an error message stating that directories must be opened as part of a project. If you provide more than one file on the command line, Xcode appears to create a temporary project containing the files you provided. You can add files and folders to the temporary project, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to save the temp project for use later.


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Kent A.Kent A.

Notepad++ is the way to go. Xcode was never meant to be used as a general text editor.

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t know that there wasn’t a Mac port for Notepad++. Use TextWrangler instead.


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